ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.10015
Pages: 18-20
Author: Pritam Moharana, Rakesh Roushan *
Abstract: Science of Ayurvedais based on tridosha theory. Pitta, one among three doshasplays a major role in digestion and metabolism. Pitta doshais of five types namely pachaka, ranjaka, alochaka, bhrajaka, and sadhaka pitta. Pachaka pittais responsible for digestion of food, Vibhajan ofSara andKittaand it nourishes the Agneyapart of Pittalocated in different parts of body.It is also termed as jatharagni. Thisagniform Pittahelps in digestion of food, and afterwards separates the Sara andKitta bhaga. Being in its location it nourishes and provide strength to rest Pitta. Pachaka Pittais responsible for Aahar Pachanand this is well proved in our text. On the other hand, modern or the contemporary science after so many studies proves this that various digestive juices are responsible for digestion of food. As the functions of pachaka pittasuggest, all enzymes responsible for digestion like amylolytic, proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes, may be compared with pachaka pitta. Few works have been mentioned on conceptual features of pitta. In this article correlation of the physiological activity of pachaka pitta with modern medical science has been stated. For this study, the basic materials have been collected from the Ayurvedic classics with the available commentaries, as well as Text books of modern medical science better understanding of the concept and its comparison with contemporary science.
Keyword: Digestive enzyme, Jatharagni, Pachaka pitta, Pitta