ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.10018
Pages: 31-34
Author: Satpal *, Indra Rani, S.P. Malik
Abstract: Dhatu is considered as nourishing and supporting matter of body. Peshi is dense form of mamsadhatu performing lepan karma of mamsadhatu along with strengthening the body. An individual with balanced proportions of muscles, compactness, and firmness is considered a balwan-purusha (physically healthy). Appropriate muscular constitution is necessary for overall physical, immunological and endocrinal health of body. Mamsadhatu is synonyms with muscular tissue, structure which is responsible for chesta and voluntary movements. Their function is prasaran (relaxation) and akunchan (contraction). Peshi also have contribution of raktavahasrotas (capillaries), ligaments and nerve fibers. Snayu, peshi, kandaras etc. also pertain to muscle. These all structures have significant role directly or indirectly in the samprapti and chikitsa of musculo-skeletal disorders. Mamsakshaya is very similar to balakshaya. Hence effect of ojas fall on mamsadhatu and vice versa. When an individual suffer from any chronic disease from prolonged period, other dhatu also reduced along with mamsadhatu. Abhyanga might help improve the muscle strength to a certain extent. Nutritional need to be taken care according to pathyaapathya and Rasayana therapy. In Ayurveda, there is a need to elaborate clinical aspects of peshi and search new possibilities for conceptual understanding along with clinical practice. The exact therapy for particular disease such as shastra (surgery), kashar application or agnikarma which are chief therapies for mamsadhatu.
Keyword: bala, mamsa, muscle, peshi.