ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.100479
Pages: 25-28
Author: Grashma C S *, Chaitra H., Sagar K Kora
Abstract: Arishtas are the fermented preparations containing self-generated alcohol, by using guda, ikshukanda, sita or madhu, which are dissolved in kashaya of raw drugs and allowed for fermentation. This form of medication is widely used in present clinical practice because of its long shelf life and no need of any preservatives, fast acting and can cross Blood Brain Barrier. Shirisharishta is one such formulation mentioned under Vishachikitsa, which is in use as a mode of shaman chikitsa. The reference of this yoga is seen in Bhaishajya Ratnavalli and in Sahasrayoga and the same trade name is used in practice. This formulation is the outcome of the search for an effective compound formulation of the drug Shirisha along with plant drugs used for the treatment of Visha, Shwasa, Kasa etc,. This paper is an attempt to make a review on the formulation “Shirisharishta” from various literatures of Ayurveda.
Keyword: Shirisharishta, Vishachikitsa, Shamanachikitsa, Respiratory System