ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Original Research articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1006117
Pages: 18-23
Author: Ram Agochar Bhatt *, Ajay Kumar Gupta, Kalpana Khanduri
Abstract: Ayurveda, the Indian medical science emphasizes on disease prevention than treatment. In present era busy and sedentary lifestyle along with mental stress and irregular diet schedule leads to one of the common diseases in ano-rectal region known as Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano). The surgical management of Bhagandara carries several problems and complications as severe pain for a long period during dressing. Operative raw site is the potential space for infection by faeces. No specific surgical method or other medication has proven complete remedy to cure Fistula in ano. But in Ayurveda a full-fledged management by the Kshar Sutra Therapy has been mentioned. It has gained popularity due to its minimal invasive accessibility and overall cure of the disease. It is the requirement of time to do further researches to get more effect in Kshar Sutra. In the present research work Guggulu-Kutaj Kshar Sutra application was done for the management of Bhagandara. 20 diagnosed cases of Bhagandara were selected from OPD and IPD of P.G. Department of Shalya Tantra, Rishikul Campus, Uttarakhand Ayurveda University, Haridwar (U.K.) India. The results showed significant relief in subjective and objective parameters along with complete cure. Thus, it can be concluded that the preparation of Kutaj Kshar Sutra using Kutaj Kshar may open a new path in the treatment of Bhagandara as is evident by successful result. No complications were observed in this clinical study with follow up period.
Keyword: Bhagandara, Fistula in ano, Guggulu-Kutaj Kshar Sutra.