
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.110358

Pages: 46-51

Author: Kulkarni Reena *, Manoj C. S, Sri Lakshmi

Abstract: Prakriti describes individual constitution at physical, mental, social and performance spheres. 7 types of Prakriti are Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Dvandvaja and Sannipataja. Each of them has unique physical status, strength and activities influenced upon respective dosha. This study aims to assess the Prakriti in children aged 5 to 10 years and to clinically characterize individual prakriti. Children aged 5 to 10 years attending the OPD of SDMIAH for routine health checkup were screened with standard prakriti questionnaire. Characteristics were categorized and attempts were done to correlate with Nutritional status using BMI. Amongst 573 screened, 22 children (3.8%) were vata prakriti, 3 children (0.5%) were pitta prakriti, 31 (5.4%) were kapha prakriti, 97 (16.9%) were vata pitta, 260 (45.3%) were vatakapha and 160 (27.9%) were of pitta kapha prakriti. Most of the prakriti presented with clinical features in accordance with respective dosha guna. Dvandvaja prakriti had combination of features. Kapha dominance prakriti was seen more in children. On BMI 85 were malnourished (14.8%), 125 were underweight (21.8%) 215 were normal nutritional status (37.5%), 62 were overweight (10.8%) and 86 were obese (15.1%). Kapha prakriti were well nourished as compared to others. Kapha dominance in Prakriti could be because of the kapha vaya avastha. Kapha dominant prakriti were well nourished, Pitta predominant Prakriti were moderately nourished as compared to vata. Features characterized with individual prakriti correlates well with the classical Prakriti descriptions. Clinical characterization of Individual Prakriti in children was developed.

Keyword: Ayurveda, constitution, Prakriti, Shareerika prakriti, Manasika Prakriti