
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Case Reports

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.110483

Pages: 28-32

Author: Vasudha Sunil Umate *, Ashish Y. Gotmare

Abstract: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a medical emergency which is characterized by skin and mucosal reaction to the use of certain drugs. It is a minor form of toxic epidermal necrolysis, with less than 10 % body surface area (BSA) detachment. The purpose of reporting this case report is to study Stevens-Johnson syndrome in Ayurvedic perspective and correlate it with Ayurvedic Twacha vikara on the basis of samprapti adhyayana. A pre-diagnosed case of Stevens - Johnson syndrome by dermatologists was studied according to Ayurvedic diagnostic parameters i.e., Nidanapanchaka theory. The etiology and clinical features of Stevens-Johnson syndrome were correlated with twak-vikaras described in Samhitas. On clinical evaluation, the etiological factor found to be hypersensitivity to antibiotic drugs Azithromycin and Amoxicillin. It has been correlated as Asatmya-sevanahetu of Visarpa. The clinical symptoms were found correlated with Pittaja-Visarpa. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare, emergency disorder of skin and mucous membrane that occurs secondary to use of certain drugs. The patient was told by the dermatologist about the prognosis of his condition and also became aware of the disadvantages of corticosteroid from some other sources. Hence, it is important to study such rare diseases in ayurvedic perspective to develop diagnostic and curative protocols to overcome limitations of contemporary medical science.

Keyword: Stevens - Johnson syndrome, Panchanidanatmak adhyayana, Pittaja-Visarpa, Anukta vyadhi.