
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Review articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1104124

Pages: 235-237

Author: P. V. Vijay Guptha *, Syeda Ather Fathima, Shivalingappa J. Arakeri, Mohasin Kadegaon, Geethanjali Hiremath

Abstract: Sterilization is a process by which an article, surface or medium is freed of all living microorganisms either in the vegetative or spore state. In Ayurveda Nirjantukarana is explained and are scattered in Samhitas. Various methods like Dhoopana, Prakshalana, Agnitapana, exposure to sunlight etc, are explained in sterilization of Shastragara, Vranitagara, Kumaragara, Sutikagara, Bandhana Dravya, Shastra etc. Drugs and Gana used for sterilization have Kandugana, kushtagana, Vranashodhana and Krimighana properties. Purification of air by Nyagrodha etc, herbs in HOMA not only purifies air, even gives spiritual and psychosomatic health to the people. Herbs and stone used in water purification have Krimihara, Nirvishikarana action along with giving water medicinal value. Drugs and methods need to be evaluated on modern parameters so that it receives global acceptance and can be confidently adopted in the clinical practice.

Keyword: Nirjantukarana, Kandugana, Kushtagana, Vranashodhana, Krimighana, Nirvishikarana