
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Case Reports

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1106174

Pages: 1-3

Author: Hussain Tahir * and Kumar Pankaj

Abstract: Amlapitta is a diseases caused due to increase in the amla guna of pitta dosha. Amlapitta is divided on the basis of gati i.e. Urdhwaga Amlapitta and Adhoga Amlapitta. Adhoga amlapitta shows symptoms like trisha, daha, murcha, bharma, moha, mandagni etc. and Urdhwaga Amlapitta shows symptoms like tikta-amlaudgara, kanthhridyakukshidaha, tikta-amalchardi etc. Due to resemblance of sign and symptom it is correlated with Gastritis. Gastritis is diseases that have symptoms like epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, heart burn etc. Gastritis occurs due to inflammation of  the gastric mucosa. Prevalence of Gastritis all over the world population is 50% and it increases with age. It affects about 8-20% of population in India. A 22 years old female patient from Sirsa, Haryana was having complain of burning sensation in stomach and oesophagus after intake of food, sour belching, dry and burnt tongue since four months. She was also having history of loss of consciousness 2 month back. Her aggravating factor is mainly intake of lunch meal wherever relieving factors consist of milk and amalaki juice consumption. On the basis of all sign and symptoms she was diagnosed with Ubhyaga Amlapitta. In this case the treatment planned was Sadhyo Vamana followed by classical Virechana. In this case the given treatment pacifies mainly pitta dosha along with kapha and vata dosha due to their guna and karma.

Keyword: Ubhyaga Amalpitta, Gastritis, Vamana-Virechana Karma.