ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.120375
Pages: 60-62
Author: C C Divya *, P P Kirathamoorthy
Abstract: Concept of guna (quality) is an important theory in Ayurveda. The word meaning of guna is that which creates attraction. According to Sankhya darshana world originated from triguna in the process of evolution. So it considers the whole universe as trigunatmaka. Vaisheshika includes guna under shadpadartha. The relevance of guna increases on coming to classical period. In the context of roga (disease) and chikitsa (treatment), guna has an important role. We can see the role of guna in all areas of trisutra Ayurveda. Gurvadi guna have more importance because of its pharmacological and therapeutic application. Snigdha and Ruksha are important pair of guna. In normal state both have a role in Dosha and Dhatu level. When disturbed it leads to many ill effects and takes part in pathogenesis of many diseases. As our chikitsa is based on Nidana Parivarjana (avoidance of cause) and Samprapti vighattana (intervention in the pathogenesis), we have to concentrate more on these guna while doing treatment. The present study aims to expose Snigdha and Ruksha guna in perspective of its importance in physiological, pathological and therapeutic aspects. Proper identification and precise application of these guna will help in our chikitsa.
Keyword: Snigdha, Ruksha, Guna, Darshana, therapeutic