
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1205135

Pages: 17-21

Author: Niranjan Manjunath Hebbar *, M.S. Krishmamurthy

Abstract: Aims: To prepare Kanadi Taila as per classical method and its modification into an ointment by using petroleum jelly as a base, as well as to do its organoleptic and physic-chemical analysis. Methods: Kanadi Taila was prepared as per the classical method of Taila Kalpana and its modification into an ointment by modern infusion method by using petroleum jelly as a base. Then it was evaluated for organoleptic and physic-chemical characteristics. Results: The final product Kanadi Taila and Kanadi Taila ointment were of desirable consistency and quality. Discussion: Kanadi Taila is well-known medicine for its wound healing property, and it was prepared as per classical method but due to its difficulty in application, there is a need to modify it into a more patient-friendly form. Kanadi Taila was modified into a topical ointment with white petroleum jelly as the base for attaining the desired consistency. Conclusion: The formulation Kanadi Taila is mentioned in the text Ayurveda Sara, Tratiya bhaga Prameha chikitsa adhyaya. Appropriate Paka Lakshanas were observed during Taila Paka, as well as the prepared Kanadi Taila ointment was of desired consistency.

Keyword: Kanadi Taila, Ayurveda Sara, Vrana, Ointment, Pharmaceutical Study