ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1205157
Pages: 110-114
Author: Suma K J *, Meghana N, Shalini C
Abstract: Prameha is a Tridoshaja Vyadhi with Kapha predominance. It is a lifestyle disorder and Charaka explains it as a Santarpana Janya Vyadhi, caused due to overindulgence in heavy and richly nutritious food, daytime sleep, lack of exercise, other sedentary habits and not doing seasonal purification. All these etiological factors are responsible for the formation of Vitiated Meda and Kleda (deliquesce) i.e. Abhishyanda. The disease is mainly characterized by Prabhuta and Avila Mutrata. Prameha can be correlated with Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology, characterized by an increase in plasma blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Globally, an estimated 463 million adults are living with Diabetes. Diabetes Currently affects more than 62 million people which is more than 7.1% of India’s adult population. As Prameha is a Santarpana Janya Vyadhi, Apatarpana is the main line of treatment. Charaka explains various Shodhana procedures in Prameha and contraindicates Basti in it, as it will increase the progress of the disease. But still, Acharyas explain various Basti Karmas for Prameha. Hence here is an attempt to critically analyse Basti Karma as a line of treatment in Prameha.
Keyword: Diabetes Mellitus, Prameha, Basti.