ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.130238
Pages: 65-67
Author: Prasanna Mathad *, Anagha Mathad
Abstract: Dwividhopakraminiya chikitsa explained in Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana chapter-14 as the two kinds of significant line of treatments as Santarpana and Aptarpana chikitsa in the form of Brimhana and langhana for two types of the human body. One is nourishing therapy, and another is depleting therapy. Sandhishoola is the common symptom found in the Sandhigata vata, Amavata or Vatarakta diseases in the different age groups of people. Among vataj gatavat vyadhis, Sandhigata vata is the most commonly observed condition correlated to Osteoarthritis (OA), predominantly seen in degenerative disease involving peripheral joints cartilage damages overgrowth of the bone. The prevalence rate of OA has been observed to increase with the advancing age, and the possibility of women being affected by the disease is greater than men with respect to gender. In the Amavata and Vatarakta also, Sandhishoola is observed along with inflammation of joints. Hence, in this article, the application of dwividhopakraminiya chikitsa for sandhishoola in different diseases has been explained. The mode of action of Santarpana and Apatarpana chikitsa in managing degenerative and inflammatory conditions of the joints.
Keyword: Dwividhopakram, Sandhishoola, Amavata, Santarpana, Apatarana