ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.130244
Pages: 90-95
Author: Anil Tomar, M.B. Gaur *
Abstract: In ancient Ayurveda Samhita, Acharyas have defined all diseases elaborately, and these diseases can be found precisely today in modern science. In Ayurved Samhita, all the tvak rog (skin diseases) are defined under the term Kustha which is mentioned as a Raktapradoshaja vikara. Kustha is one of the diseases that commonly affect the population. Ekakustha is one of the types of ksudrhakustha. Ayurveda text does not directly correlate to a single disease of modern science which can be compared with the modern disease term “Psoriasis”. Psoriasis may be compared with many types of ksudrhakustha like- kitibha, charmdal, mandala and ekakustha. Psoriasis is a most common non-infectious and inflammatory skin disease which involves hyper-proliferation of keratinocytes in the dermis. In the origin of any disease and for the diagnosis of the disease, there are many factors mentioned in Ayurveda Samhita; in that series, prakriti is one of the significant factors. The concept of prakriti is given by the Indian ancient science of Ayurveda. Prakriti indicates phenotypic and genotypic constitutions. Every individual has a different anatomical, physiological and psychological function. Prakriti of individuals should be known to maintain health, prevent disease, and treat disease. Pittaja dosha predominance prakriti is mainly prone for tvak rog. In the present era, increased demand for Ayurveda science is required to understand the depth of Ayurvedic principles in an easy method. Hence an effort has been made to ascertain and establish the knowledge regarding ekakustha from a modern perspective.
Keyword: Ayurveda, Ekakustha, Genotype, Phenotype, Prakriti, Psoriasis, Raktapradoshaja vikara.