ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.1305137
Pages: 116-120
Author: Akshatha K Bhat *, Asha Maradka, Santhosh K
Abstract: Mukha is considered one of the essential parts of urdhwajatru because it reflects the body's health by acting as the gateway of the alimentary canal. Fast food culture, unhealthy habits like smoking and improper oral hygiene have caused irreversible damage to human health, resulting in different oral cavity diseases. In Ayurveda, mukharoga has been elaborately explained with its symptoms and treatment, which can be well co-related to present oral cavity diseases mentioned in contemporary science. In our classics, various treatment modalities have been explained for different oral cavity diseases, from lips to throat. Raktamokshana is the primary line of treatment mentioned for mukharogas, followed by pratisarana, kavala, gandusha, shastra karma and oral medications. Acharya Vagbhata highlights the importance of Raktamokshana in mukha, danta, dantamoola and gala roga. Since all these diseases are kapha-rakta in origin, they require frequent bloodletting. Specifically, in mukharoga, bloodletting as a method is indicated in puti aasya, paaka of oshtha. In these diseases, bloodletting should be done by shringa, jalouka, and alabu or by cutting the sira. There are many kinds of research undertaken to study the action of bloodletting using leeches and have found plenty of beneficial actions like analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. Overall, Raktamokshana is a very effective line of treatment in most of the mukharogas, curing the disease and preventing further recurrence.
Keyword: Mukharoga, Raktamokshana, Pratisarana, Kavala, Gandusha, Shastra karma