ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Case Reports
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.14013
Pages: 7-9
Author: Soumya EA, Poornasri Jagani *
Abstract: Introduction: Worm infection is the most common problem in developing countries and occurs as an intestinal infection. Pinworm infection is an intestinal infection that occurs due to poor hygiene, sanitization, poverty and improper washing. Krimi roga is an important disease in Ayurveda and is used to denote tiny organisms in the human body. Case presentation: A 44-year-old female was admitted with the following complaints of anal itching, bloating of the abdomen, itching on hands, reduced appetite and discolouration on the hand. A thorough clinical examination and investigations like sputum microscopy confirmed the worm infection. The Ayurvedic aspect of this disease can be considered as krimi and specifically as purishaja krimi. Diagnosis and management: The diagnosis is based on the clinical features of the disease, and the management approach of worm infection includes anthelmintic medications and hygienic measures. In Ayurveda, the diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms along with dosha involvement. The treatment approach includes agni deepana, ama pachana, apakarshana, prakruti vighata and nidana parivarjana chikitsa and procedures like kashaya dhara and krimighna basti. Outcome: There was a marked improvement in the disease's clinical features, increased appetite, and decreased worm infection. Discussion: Satisfactory results were obtained, discharged with oral medications, and follow-up was done. This case highlights the role of Ayurveda in managing the disease, and proper diagnosis of the disease, along with oral medications and panchakarma procedures, can be given for significant results.
Keyword: intestinal worm, krimighna basti, krimihara churna, krimimudgara rasa, pinworm, purishaja krimi