
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.14017

Pages: 24-28

Author: Samhita M Kiran, Prasanna Kulkarni *

Abstract: Herbs have been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes since ancient times due to their easy availability and efficacy. Herbal products are safer for long-term and short-term use as they are time-tested. Plant-based formulations described in classical texts of Ayurveda are gaining popularity these days due to their validation with respect to modern technology. In Sahasrayogam, it is mentioned that Nalpamaradi taila is best for hair and skin conditions. This study aimed to analyse Nalpamaradi soap with reference to phytochemical, physicochemical and antimicrobial properties. The ingredients used in Nalpamaradi taila were analysed with special reference to their Guna, Karma, etc., along with their chemical compositions, given their effect on the skin. Most of the drugs in the Nalpamaradi taila have tridosha shamaka property, which is beneficial in maintaining skin health. Research studies on the chemical constituents present in the ingredients of Nalpamaradi soap have shown a positive effect on skin health and skin diseases. The study showed that it possesses a good amount of lather and Total Fatty Matter that provides rehydration and a sense of cleaning to the skin due to the presence of coconut oil and olive oil.  Nalpamaradi soap exhibited antimicrobial properties since Haridra-like drugs have krimigna action. There were no heavy metallic compounds found in the trail soap. Hence, it can be concluded that Nalpamaradi soap can be a better choice for maintaining dermal health.

Keyword: Ayurveda, Cosmetics, Derma health, Herbal soap, Nalpamaradi taila