
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140111

Pages: 44-46

Author: Kumar Giriraj, Singh Kumar Dharmesh *, Upadhyay Subhash, Jannu Manohar, Sakshi

Abstract: Background: The Marma Sharira is one of the most explored parts of Rachana Sharira. The Nila and Manya marma are located in greeva (neck region), 4 in number, vaikalyakara in nature. Traumatic effect on these marma produces mukata or dumbness/ inability to speak, swaravaikrita or hoarseness of voice and rasagrahita or incapacity to perceive taste (hypogeusia or ageusia). Aims and objective: To assess the location and structural composition of Nila and Manya marma. Material and methods: One cadaver was taken for dissection in the P.G. Department of Rachana Sharir, Sri Ganganagar College of Ayurvedic Science and Hospital, Rajasthan. The surrounding area of Nila and Manya marma was dissected and observe the anatomical structures. Discussion: After proper dissection following neurovascular structures were seen common carotid artery (CCA), which was bifurcated into the external and internal carotid artery, vagus nerve, and internal jugular vein (IJV). Injury to Nila and Manya marma can produce mukata or dumbness/ inability to speak, swaravaikrita or hoarseness of voice and rasagrahita or incapacity to the perception of taste (hypogeusia or ageusia). Hypoglossal nerve palsy due to spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection leads to vocal cord paralysis and hoarseness of voice. Conclusion: After a proper analysis of the nature of Nila and manya marma, it can be concluded that Nila marma can be considered the right and left internal jugular vein, and Manya marma as the right and left carotid artery.

Keyword: Marma, Nila Marma, Manya Marma, carotid artery, cranial nerve palsy.