ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Original Research articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140116
Pages: 67-71
Author: Savita Vaijanathrao Sudewad *
Abstract: The substance which converts ahara (food) into body components is called Agni. Entire body strength, its fighting capacity in adverse conditions and many physiological conditions depend on the status of Agni. Prakriti is the nature of an individual. According to the Acharya Charaka state of Agni is influenced by the prakriti of individuals. Day by day, the number of mandagni subjects is increasing due to improper dietary habits, excessive competitive pressure, etc. mandagni is that which can’t digest even little quantity of food in a scheduled time, produces heaviness in the abdomen and head, pain all over the body, vomiting, etc. According to Ayurveda, mandagni is the root cause of all diseases. Mandagni can be treated by using substances with the same property as Agni. According to Ayurveda, Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum) has katu rasa (taste), katu vipak (post-digestive effect of any ingested substances), ushna guna (quality), deepan (appetizer) and pachan (digestives) karmas (functions) resembling Agni. Aim – To study the effect of Jeerak churna (refined power) on mandagni in different dehaprakruti. It is an open, randomized, prospective clinical study conducted during 2014-2017. As per inclusion criteria, 90 subjects of mandagni are divided into three groups: vatapradhan, pittapradhan and kaphapradhan (pradhan – dominance of that dosha) prakriti. Then Agni Bala Index (tool for assessment of Agni) of the subject assessed before. The conclusion is that the agnivardhak (increase digestive power) effect of Jeerak churna is dependent on deha prakriti, and it shows the highest agnivardhak effect in pittapradhan prakriti subjects.
Keyword: Agni, Mandagni, Prakriti, Jeerak, Agni Bala Index, Abhyavahran shakti, Jarana shakti