
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Review articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140126

Pages: 105-106

Author: Gupta Bal Govind *

Abstract: Some diseases are simple or less pathology but challenging to cure, known as kshudra roga. Kadar is one such kind of disease, which causes more trouble for the person and hampers daily life. Acharya Sushruta describes ‘Kadar’ under kshudra roga. In contemporary sciences, it can be correlated with corn. The corn is localised hyperkeratosis of the skin. The Kadara is mentioned as being keela sadrusha (cone-shaped), presenting with ruk (pain) and srava (discharge). It may have nimna (depressed) or unnata (raised) madhya (central part). Corn is an intractable plantar hyperkeratosis, a type of callosity. It has three kinds- hard, soft and seed. The repeated friction and pressure of the skin overlying the bony prominences leads to a hyperkeratotic thickness. There is various treatment option available in Ayurveda as well as modern surgery. There are multiple approaches to the management of Kadara. The key in all cases is to eliminate the continuous pressure on the foot.  Above all the procedures, the Ayurvedic approach is more beneficial, especially agnikarma, than modern science's surgical excision.

Keyword: Kadara, Corn, Callosity, Hyperkeratosis, Agnikarma