ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Original Research articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140244
Pages: 72-75
Author: Gunjan Sharma, Barkha *, Priyanka Rani, Yadevendra Yadav
Abstract: Background: Shushkakshipaka (dry eye syndrome) is a sarvagata netraroga (affects all parts of the eye) mentioned by Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Vagbhata. In managing various netraroga, kriyakalpa (therapeutic procedures) plays an important role. Among the netrakriyakalpa, anjana (collyrium) is one of the procedures mentioned by our acharyas. It was extensively and frequently used in ancient times by acharyas, and it had tremendous importance in healthy people and ophthalmic patients. Keshanjana is the drug mentioned in Vagbhata Samhita, and it was prepared by the method described in the Ayurvedic text. Keshanjana is made by using Keshamasee (ash of human scalp hair) and goghrita (cow’s ghee), which are mixed in a ratio of 1:4. Keshanjana is indicated for the treatment of Shushkakshipaka in the classical literature of Ayurveda; hence, Present study has been undertaken to develop the analytical profile of Keshanjana according to API and protocol of drug testing of PLIM. Materials and Methods: The Keshanjana was subjected to an organoleptic study, physicochemical evaluation, antimicrobial study and heavy metal analysis. Results: Keshanjana is safe for use as heavy metals were below the acceptable limit and free from pathogenic microbes. Conclusion: This paper presents the analytical study of Keshanjana, which was prepared by following the method mentioned in Vagbhata Samhita.
Keyword: Keshamasee, Keshanjana, Shushkakshipaka and analytical profile.