ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140263
Pages: 164-172
Author: Kumara GUA *, Naga Sravani B and Vijaya Lakshmi A
Abstract: Hingu (Asafoetida) is a commonly used traditional spice in Asian cuisine since ancient times. The botanical source of Hingu is Ferula asafoetida (Bunge) Regel: Apiaceae family, native to the mountains of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. The useful part of the drug is the oleoresin gum extracted from the stem and rhizome of the Asafoetida plant. This study was designed to compile the classical uses of Hingu in Brihatrayi. In this study, 72, 56 and 62 references for uses of Hingu were founded in Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita, respectively. According to these references, Hingu can apply in various dosage forms such as Kashaya, Curna, Vati, Gutika, Varti, Lepa, Leha, Taila, Ghrita, Anjana, Dhumapana and Dhupana. And also it is useful in a vast range of diseases belonging to various disciplines of Ayurveda, including Kaya Cikitsa, Kaumarabhritya, Shalya, Shalakya, Graha Cikitsa, Vajikarana, Visha Cikitsa, Striroga and Prasuti roga. It is mainly indicated in diseases of Annapacana (Gastrointestinal tract) and Shwasana (Respiratory tract) and also as a Rakshoghna dravya. Hence, it can be concluded that Hingu is a mostly prescribed herbal medicine in Brihatrayi. It is a more valuable herbal source in managing various diseases in human beings in all stages of their lifespan.
Keyword: Hingu, Asafoetida, Brihatrayi, Rakshoghna, GIT disorders, Respiratory disorders.