
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.140380

Pages: 43-47

Author: Divyarani, HM Ismail, D’Souza Zenica *

Abstract: This study aimed to explore and assess varna (colour) and sparsha (touch) related arista lakshana (imminent signs of death) in critically ill participants and co-relate them to the prognostic outcomes in the current medical scenario. Critical illness is a condition associated with many variables and unpredicted factors. Hence assessment of prognosis is essential for making a medical decision before treatment, as well as revealing the patient’s prognosis to their family members in the earliest and most effective manner. Ayurveda explains prognosis in the context of sadhya-asadhyatha and arista lakshana. Yet there is a need to explore the relevance of arista lakshana mentioned in Ayurveda texts in current medical practice and give an evidence-based scientific rationality to it. Therefore, this study was conducted. This study was conducted on twenty-six critically ill participants admitted to the MICU of a renowned medical college hospital, presenting with arista lakshana pertaining to varna or sparsha or both, as explained in Charaka Samhita, irrespective of their disease diagnosis. The study revealed that a maximum number of arista lakshana related to varna and sparsha were found in participants of the age group 41 to 60 years. Incidence of black discolouration and abdominal distention as arista lakshana were the highest; participants had a demise which accounted for 19.20%. Hence the study concluded that assessing dosha, dushya, srotas, rogamarga, and arishta lakshana in critically ill participants holds a significant place even in the present scenario.

Keyword: Critical illness, Arista Lakshana, Varna Arista, Sparsha Arista.