
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

ISSN Online:2229-3566

ISSN Print: 2277-4343


Article Category: Original Research articles

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.15241

Pages: 67-70

Author: Apoorwa Pawar P *, Sowmya G, Anupama V, Priyanka BV, Kiran M. Goud

Abstract: Menarche is a medical term that describes a woman's first menstrual period, marking the onset of menstruation and reproductive maturity. Menarche typically occurs during adolescence, usually between the age of 10 to 16 years. Various factors, including genetics, nutrition, body weight, and overall health, influence the onset of menarche. The impact of diet and lifestyle on the age of menarche in adolescent subjects was studied. A cross-sectional survey design was employed, involving a minimum of 203 subjects in and around Vijayanagar, Bangalore. Subjects were categorized into three groups based on the age at which they attained menarche: Group 1 (before 12 years), Group 2 (between 12-14 years), and Group 3 (above 14 years). Results of this survey showed a varied distribution of age of menarche: 8.0 % below 12 years of age group, 80 % between the age group 12-14, and 12 % above 14 years of age group. The dietary habits and consumption of ksheera (milk), ghrita (ghee), junk foods, caffeine, iron-rich foods, and water intake were examined, and other factors such as menarcheal age and status of agni ( digestive fire), samashana (eating wholesome an unwholesome food together), ajeernashana (eating without the previous meal getting digested), adhyasana (eating excess), guru ahara (heavy food), sheeta ahara ( cold food), virudda aahara (food having opposite potentials), exercise, emotional resilience, co-curricular activities, use of antibiotics, stress relation, exposure to sunlight of the subjects were also evaluated. The survey findings highlight diverse menarcheal ages, suggesting potential links with diet and lifestyle.

Keyword: Diet, Lifestyle, Menarche, adolescent, menstruation, nutrition, health, agni (digestive fire), adhyasana (eating excess), virudha ahara (food of opposite potential).