ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.155165
Pages: 107-110
Author: Suman *, Brijendra Singh Tomar, Satbir Kumar Chawla
Abstract: Agad tantra is a branch of Ayurevda that deals with study of poisons (animal, plant and mineral origin) and their management. Poison is a substance that destroys life and impairs the body functions. Ayurveda defines poison as Visha, the substance which causes sadness to the world is called Visha. If one attains immediate treatment, it may relieve the condition otherwise it may be fatal. Prativisha is the poison to be used as a treatment against another poison. In modern, Prativisha is comparable to an antidote. Antidotes can be defined as substances that counteract the effects of poison. The term antidote was ultimately derived from the Greek term pharmakon antidoton (medicine) given as a remedy. Many poisons and their antidotes are described in the Agad Tantra text. Common antidotes in Ayurveda are Swarna, Ghrita, Godudha and Madhu. A vaidya's primary goal is to save life of patients so the concept of antidotes is explained. In this review article, we will discuss antidotes as per Ayurvedic science.
Keyword: Antidotes, Poison, Toxicology, Prativisha