ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.155170
Pages: 127-129
Author: Sonia Raj S *, Amit Upasani
Abstract: Milk secreted from stana for the nourishment of baby is stanya. It is suitable for proper nourishment, growth and strengthening of body constituents in infants. The physical and mental development of baby depends upon stanya Being formed from rasadhathu, stanya will be easily vitiated by the diet and regimen of the mother. Different types of digestive disorders and all other causes of rasadhatu dushti will afflict the equilibrium of dhathus in mother and thereby the vitiation of stanya will occur.The normal colour, odour, taste and consistency of stanya will change during vitiated condition. The vitiated breast milk is not fit to feed the baby. If it is given, the child will be afflicted by various types of diseases. Acharya Charaka has explained eight types of stanyadushti based on the predominance of doshas. The predominance of Vatadosha will cause virasa, phenasanghata and kshina in stanya and the predominance of pitha causes vaivarnya and dourgandhya and the predominance of Kapha causes paichilya and gourava. Vitiated stanyapana will cause various diseases like emaciation, delayed growth, weakness, anaemia, vomiting, lethargy child. According to Vagbhata, the breast milk vitiated by the tridoshas causes jvara, kasa and chardi etc. By considering all these facts, it is found that breast milk serves as an elixir for the babies but if vitiated it will be prime cause of diseases. This paper reviews the concepts of stanyadushti as described in the Brihatrayi and the diseases caused by vitiated stanya, highlighting the importance of maintaining the purity of breast milk for the health of the infant.
Keyword: Stanya, Stanyadushti, Rasadhathu, Brihatrayi