ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Review articles
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.155172
Pages: 136-141
Author: Spoorthi UB *, Varsha Kulkarni
Abstract: Shiras, (head) one among dashapranayatana, marma traya, (vital points), and indriya adhistana (seat of sense organs) control the activities of the whole body, for that purpose this organ should be carefully protected and nourished regularly Since shiras is also the adhistana of prana vayu which in normalcy responsible for the life. The head comprises all the components and machinery to control the body's mechanics and dynamics. The brain, nerves, and all the elements that keep us glued to and drawn to this material world through our sense organs reside in the skull, which serves as the remote control for the entire body. According to Ayurveda, the human body is like an upside-down tree, with the branches pointing down and the roots at the top. Assume the human body is compared to a tree. The head of the body is regarded as the tree's root. The upper and lower limbs are thought of as the branches of this tree, much as the roots nourish and regulate all of the activities and well-being of the tree. The core region of the body, which is made up of the thorax and abdomen, is believed to be the trunk of this tree. In that scenario, the head serves as the body's operating center. While explaining the importance of Shiras, Vagbhata described the body as Urdhvamoola (Shiras), Adhashaka (lower trunk). If the root is destructed plant is also destructed likewise. If the head is injured the death proceeds. So only it is advised to protect the head from diseases, here Shirobasti plays an important role.
Keyword: Shirobasti, Dharakalpa, Murdhnitaila, Mastishkya, Tantra