ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Case Reports
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.156184
Pages: 11-17
Author: Harika Bangi * and AS Patil
Abstract: The term "Kushta" in Ayurveda encompasses a broad spectrum of dermatological ailments, referred to as "Twak Vikaras". The symptoms associated with Kitibha Kushta, including Shyavam, Kinakarasparsha, and Parusha, exhibit resemblance to those of psoriasis and impact various bodily constituents such as Tridosha, Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, and Ambu. Notably, Twak Vikaras mainly manifest from Rakta Dusti, and for Raktaja Vikaras, Virechana is indicated as the Shodhana Karma. Case history: A 24-year-old female patient with no history of major health conditions developed reddish-brown, dry scaly skin lesions on her scalp that spread to other parts of her body. She experienced pain, discharge, severe itching, hair fall, premature greying of hair, reduced appetite, constipation, and disturbed sleep. These symptoms caused significant discomfort and affected her personal, social, and educational life. This case was treated with classical Virechana and Shamana Aushadhis. Result: Following the administered therapies, the patient has experienced satisfactory improvements. The lesions have completely resolved, with residual skin discoloration. This substantiates the notion that a combined approach involving Shodhana and Shamana Aushadhi leads to enhanced outcomes. Conclusion: This case report highlights the potential effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in managing psoriasis. Currently, modern medical science employs treatments such as Psoralen and Ultraviolet therapy (PUVA) and steroid therapy, which can lead to serious side effects like liver and renal failure. However, these treatments also have a high recurrence rate. This underscores the importance of exploring alternative treatment approaches for this chronic condition.
Keyword: kitibha kushta, shodana, virechana, shamana