ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Case Reports
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.156185
Pages: 18-21
Author: Farheen A Doman * and Varsha Kulkarni
Abstract: Background: Stenosing tenosynovitis, popularly known as trigger finger, is a clinical condition characterized by painful digit locking during flexion and extension. Trigger finger can develop from any activity that requires prolonged, forceful finger flexion, such as carrying shopping bags or prolonged writing. Once it starts hindering day-to-day activities, it can lead to complete hand deformity. This condition can be correlated to Snayugata Vata, which has clinical features like Stambha (stiffness), Kampa (tremors), Shoola (pain), and Snayu Sankoch (constriction of tendons/ligament). Case History: Three patients presented with painful locking of multiple fingers, tenderness at the metacarpophalangeal joint, and restrictions in performing daily activities. They consulted a local hospital and underwent a course of NSAIDs but did not feel much relief. They were further advised to undergo surgery, but the patients hesitated due to its invasive nature, higher cost, low success rate, and potential for recurrence. They sought Ayurvedic treatment as an alternative, which was planned for Taila dhara and Dashanga kumari upnaha for 7 days to reduce Shula, Shotha (inflamation), and Sthamba while strengthening Snayu. The severity of the condition was assessed using Quinnell’s grading system and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain. Results: After treatment, a significant decrease in VAS scores and Quinnell’s triggering scores was observed, along with symptomatic relief, indicating successful treatment of trigger finger with Bahirparimarjana chikitsa.
Keyword: Trigger finger, Snayugata Vata, Sthanik Tailadhara and Dashanga kumari Upnaha