ISSN Online:2229-3566
ISSN Print: 2277-4343
Article Category: Case Reports
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.156188
Pages: 32-37
Author: Suman M Malagoudar * and AS Patil
Abstract: Kushta is a broad term used in Ayurveda to describe various skin diseases. It not only affects the patient physically but also their mental state. Vaipadika is Vata Kapha pradhana kshudra kushta among ashtadasha kushta. Symptoms include Panipada sputana, teevra vedana, daha, and kandu, etc. These Lakshana correlate with Palmoplantar psoriasis with symptoms like hyperkeratosis plaques, erythema, fissuring, and scaling producing significant functional disability. This study aims to show better management through Ayurvedic treatment. Case report: A 24 years female patient who is not known case of Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension, approached with complaints of blackish-red cracked lesions over bilateral palm and sole and itching and pain over cracked skin since 1½ years associated with burning sensation and bleeding or sometimes watery discharge after scratching since 1year. The condition is managed by nidana parivarjana, proper deepana pachana followed by Shamananga Snehana (oleation), Pitta rechana (purgation), internal medicines (tiktarasatmaka), bahya snehana (external application) with Taila which is given according to avasthanusara (stage wise). Observation and Result: The outcome is significant in terms of reducing erythema, itching, scales, dryness, and healing of lesions, producing noticeable improvement. Ayurvedic principles greatly improve signs and symptoms and increase the quality of life in treating psoriasis.
Keyword: Kushta, Vaipadika, Palmoplantar psoriasis, Shamananga snehapana.